A first catalogue titled “Shanghai la città invisibile” is published by Premio Shanghai in occasion of the exhibition at Yibo gallery in Shanghai: “Shanghai la città invisibile. Domenico Antonio Mancini, Susanna Pozzoli, Nadir Valente”, December 2012.

In 2013, in occasion of the official presentation of Premio Shanghai at Biennial of Venice a complete catalogue is published. It includes the 3 winner Chinese artists who join the residency project in Italy.  
author: Premio Shanghai
title: Premio Shanghai Residenze per artisti italiani e cinesi - I edizione 2012-2013
Shanghai la città invisibile, artists: Domenico Antonio Mancini, Susanna Pozzoli, Nadir Valente / + Atmosfere italiane, artists: Qian Ning, Qiu Jia, Zhou Yang
publisher: Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali
language: Italian / Chinese
size: 19 h x 21,5 cm
pages: 64
cover: soft
printed: Roma, September 2013